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About me

Jan Millar

Dip.Nut., Dip.C.Hyp. (Dist.). MNCH (Reg), MFHT, MGHSC, MGHR, MCNHC

Diploma (Distinction) in Clinical Hypnotherapy

Certification in Past Life Regression & Certification in Quit Smoking Programme

Diploma (Distinction) in Nutrition

Solihull College

National Council for Hypnotherapy

Member of the FHT

Federation of Holistic Therapists

Member of GHSC

General Hypnotherapy Standards Council

Member of GHR

General Hypnotherapy Register

Member of CNHC

Complimentary & Natural Healthcare Council

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I was always one of those annoying kids constantly asking "But why?..."  I love analysing things - why do we do certain things.... feel certain ways..... react certain ways.  Why are we different to other people.   And this is how I fell into becoming a Clinical Hypnotherapist - I get to analyse people all day!


I am also fascinated by diets - how and why our bodies put on weight and lose weight - together with the psychological side of dieting too.  I have written many articles on diet and nutrition both in the UK and abroad - and written a book on Eating Disorders and Hypnotherapy too!   


The reason I am so interested in diets is primarily because I have tried most of them over the years & had experienced every problem and hurdle with dieting.  At my heaviest I was nearly 19 stone and I developed asthma and a condition called Benign Intercranial Hypertension.

I have now halved my body weight, losing nearly 10 stone and I've successfully maintained my weight loss for over 9yrs now.  I am a firm believer that there is a diet out there to suit everyone - it's just finding it. 


So whatever the reason you are contacting me for - I am here and always available on a one to one basis, with support by phone, email and text every day of the year.  Through spending time getting to know my clients and discussing their issues; problems; phobias or diet demons with them, we pinpoint their 'negatives', whatever they may be, and together work to find a way to manage that problem and develop it into positives.


So give me a call.....come and see me for a free consultation to discuss exactly what you want.  I am confident that together, we can resolve whatever problem and issues you have.

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